St. John Catholic Elementary School
March 24, 2014

Celebrating Franco-Fun days at St. John School

At St. John Catholic Elementary School, their activities for Franco-Fun day were spread over a three day period. On March 19th, their French Immersion FDK program created beautiful Franco-Ontarian flags and proudly waved them to show how lucky they are to learn a second language!
On March 20th, the school started off our morning announcements with music from the Franco-Ontarian group SWING followed by a few fun and interesting facts about the French language and culture across the world. The grade 1 & 2 French Immersion, grade 1 English and grade 5/6 English classes then had the opportunity to go out snowshoeing, led by Bradley Blackwell from the Killarney Centre’s outreach program. Through this activity, the younger students were able to learn about animals and their habitat. The older students were able to better understand the purpose of snowshoes and how important is was for French Settlers to build and maintain a friendship with the First Nation’s people if they were to survive when they arrived to this new land we now call Canada. Students were also encouraged to greet each other in the hallway in French throughout the day. Quelle belle journée!
On March 21st, all students at St. John School were given a button or tattoo that allowed them to show their support for French learning within the school community. They also attended a magic show in the gym with one of their own supply teachers, The Amazing René! The children and staff alike enjoyed the bilingual presentation and actively took part in the show. Vive la francophonie!

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