St. John Catholic Elementary School
November 06, 2012

POSITIVE LIVING SKILLS with Terry Orlick Ph.D – November 13, 2012

POSITIVE LIVING SKILLS with Terry Orlick Ph.D., presentation at St. Raphael School, Nov.13th, 6:30-7:30 pm
Promoting PEACEFUL SCHOOLS: Enjoy the ‘simple joys of life’

As part of Peaceful Schools and building healthy relationships, living a life of joy and happiness can be achieved when we learn to think positive and embrace the simple joys and happy highlights in our lives. This allows us to live life to our true potential.

Charlie Large, SK student at St. John, is holding a Spaghetti Toes CD and a Highlight clicker. These are tools that Terry Orlick PhD, has developed for children. St. John School will be introducing a special evening, with guest speaker, Terry Orlick, PhD. on Nov.13th, from 6:30-7:30 pm. at St. Raphael School. The evening session is meant for parents/guardian, educators, coaches, any adult who works with children.

The CD allows children to learn how to relax during stressful times in their lives whether at home or at school.

The highlight clicker is a great way to help children and youth feel happier, less stressed and more confident within themselves when they CLICK happy moments in their lives. The clicker keeps track of all the happy moments, such as being thankful for the sunshine, enjoying time with a friend, having fun in a game, learning at school etc….
Research demonstrates that Highlight Clickers helps children and adults of all ages become more positive, more relaxed, more joyful, and more focused on the good things in themselves, in others and the contexts they are in.

When you begin to look for, find, embrace and appreciate the simplest Highlight or simplest joys in every day, not only do you feel better, you also reduce the unnecessary stress, worry and negativity in your life.

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