Grand Council Chief of the Anishinabek Nation, John Beaucage will be visiting St. Charles College on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 from to speak to the students re the “Anishinabek Manifesto.”
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is very much appreciative of the fact that Grand Chief Beaucage is taking time from his busy schedule (as he has 42 Anishinabek bands under his leadership) to address the students on this very important topic. The Anishinabek Political Manifesto as part of its mandate states that the “Anishinabek Nation, under the authority of the Creator through the Grand Council Chiefs-in-Assembly and the Office of the Grand Council Chief have endeavoured to assert the inherent rights and reestablish the jurisdiction of the Anishinabek Nation.”
In October 2004, Grand Council Chief John Beaucage was elected to serve the 42-member First Nations of the Anishinabek Nation. Prior to his election as Grand Council Chief, Beaucage was the elected Chief of Wasauksing First Nation and has served in that capacity for the past eight years.
Chief Beaucage is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario with degrees in English and economics, and he has done post-graduate work in First Nation planning at the University of British Columbia. Grand Council Chief Beaucage also played an instrumental role in the First Ministers’ Meeting in Kelowna, BC in November of 2005. Leading up to the First Ministers’ Meeting, Beaucage served as the Co-chair for First Ministers’ Working Groups for both Housing and Relationships.
In addition to his role as Grand Council Chief, Beaucage is also the President of the Anishinabek Nation Management Group Inc. and the Anishinabek Nation Seventh Generation Charities.